Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Tredington 2010
I live in a small village called Tredington which is 9 miles from Stratford upon avon. Over the past 7 months a great deal of change has occured to the surrounding woodland. The picture above is the front of Tredington woodland in mid july of 2010, the one below is the woodland in january 2011...

Tredington 2011
 Bit of a difference?! This image was taken from the opposite end to the previous picture. 7 months and about 80% of the woodland has been hacked down. I live about a 1-2 minute walk from the woodland and before it was lush and completely covered in trees even in the depth of winer it was beautiful now it is a barren, muddy, plot of land. It looks more like a scar on the land then anything else. Im thoroughly disgusted! 

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